create.multiplex is a function to create a multiplex network (Multiplex object) from a list of individual networks defined as igraph objects. See more details about multiplex networks below. If just one network is provided, a Multiplex object with one layer is therefore created (A monoplex network).


# S3 method for default
create.multiplex(LayersList, ...)



Further arguments passed to create.multiplex


A list containing igraph objects describing monoplex networks in every element. We recommend to give names to the different networks (igraph objects).


A Multiplex object. It contains a list of the different graphs integrating the multiplex network, the names and number of its nodes and the number of layers.


A multiplex network is a collection of layers (monoplex networks) sharing the same nodes, but in which the edges represent relationships of different nature. At least a list with one element, an igraph object, should be provided.

See also


Alberto Valdeolivas Urbelz


m1 <- igraph::graph(c(1,2,1,3,2,3), directed = FALSE) m2 <- igraph::graph(c(1,3,2,3,3,4,1,4), directed = FALSE) multiObject <- create.multiplex(list(m1=m1,m2=m2))